- Advertising Sex - Passionate, enthusiastic, uninhibited sex females engage in to either win over or "protect" their mate from being poached by another woman.
- Alpha Female - The one female that leads a particular group of women. Alpha females are usually the most-admired woman in a group. Identifiable based on the other women's feet; they all point towards the alpha.
- Alpha Male - In any given situation, the alpha is the male calling the shots. Alphas are admired by men and desired by women. Alpha status is situational - a man can be an alpha in his career but a beta in relationships. Specific to relationships, women are sexually aroused by alpha males. Beta males often mistake Pseudo-alphas for real alphas.
- Androgynous Female (AF) - A genetic and/or biological female exhibiting a primary androgynous gender role.
- Androgynous Male (AM) - A genetic and/or biological male exhibiting a primary androgynous gender role.
- Androgyny - A gender role with a balance between masculine and feminine characteristics.
- AOS - "Art of Seduction" - a popular book by Robert Greene.
- Beta Male - In any given situation, beta males are the males that are not calling the shots. In relationships, betas often provide material comforts but do not sexually arouse their partners.
- Biological Sex - Demographic category determined by either the presence or absence of ovaries and/or testes *OR* the appearance of the external genitalia.
- Confirmation Bias - Tendency to filter incoming information. If incoming information confirms a belief we hold, we pay attention to it. If incoming information refutes a belief we hold, we ignore it. Changing people's minds always requires us to first overcome the confirmation bias in some way.
- Consensual Nonmonogamy - Another term for Social Sexuality.
- Dead Bedroom - Intimate relationship where one or both partners is not getting as much sex as they'd like.
- Desire - Used interchangeably with "Passion"; refers to the desire to have sex.
- Dark Triad - Personality type that includes elements of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Almost all humans are weirdly aroused by people that exhibit the Dark Triad.
- Dunbar's Number - Theory that the human brain can only maintain stable social ties with about 150 people. Once this number is surpassed, people lose the ability to related to each other on a personal level and begin relying on group stereotypes. Developed by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar.
- Feminine - Gender role primarily tasked with expanding and developing society; consisting of the virtues of social facilitation (including intuitiveness, vulnerability, openness, tranquility, flexibility, cooperativeness, and prudence), nurturing (including loving, patience, kindness, cleanliness, thriftiness, and hopefulness), compassion (including empathy, altruism, thoughtfulness, graciousness, mercy, and tolerance), and beauty (including physical attractiveness, sensuality, chastity, self-respect, innocence, and flirtiness.)
- Feminine Female (FF) - A genetic and/or biological female exhibiting a primary feminine gender role.
- Feminine Male (FM) - A genetic and/or biological male exhibiting a primary feminine gender role.
- Feminism - Social movement advocating for women, divided into four chronological and ideological "waves." The first wave fought for voting rights. The second wave fought for equality under the law. The third wave fought for a variety of social issues related to equality. Some third wave goals actually work towards gender equality; some work toward female superiority. The fourth wave is batshit crazy.
- Gamma Male - Men that defer to anyone and everyone, including beta males. While I don't like the term, these men are usually considered "losers."
- Gender - Social construct that defines a set of behavioral characteristics that are at least partially controlled by hormones and neurotransmitters; likely has a biological or genetic cause much like sexual orientation. Can be masculine, feminine, or androgynous. "Gender" is mostly independent of "sex."
- Gender Equality - All people, regardless of sex or gender, should have equal opportunity, equal possibility, and equal responsibility. Gender equality does not mean everyone should start from the same point or should have an equal outcome.
- Gender Role Protection Theory - My hypothesis that gender roles evolved as a mutual protection agreement between the masculine and feminine (as opposed to the popular opinion that gender roles developed as a means for men to oppress women.) This is a fundamental principle of the San Diego Man Camp.
- Gender Roles - The practical purpose different genders play within interpersonal romantic relationships, families, and other levels of "tribes."
- Gender Characteristics - Specific behaviors or personality dispositions that can be classified as masculine or feminine.
- Gender Virtues - Broad groups of gender characteristics.
- Genetic Sex - XX, XY, and all the intersex variations.
- Honeymoon Period - Period at the beginning of a relationship where individuals are obsessed with each other. Leads to predictable behaviors like boundless energy, weight loss, extremely high sexual desire, obsessive thoughts, and an inability to see your partner's flaws. Generally lasts about 9-18 months. In the U.S., many expect this feeling to last forever. It doesn't.
- Hypergamy - Dual female sexual strategy where women desire a mate with superior genes (alphas) and a mate that is a good provider (betas.) Often varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and can be influenced by oral contraceptives, and may vary depending on age (and sexual market value.)
- In-Group/ Out-Group Bias - Tendency to see members of our tribe as individuals and in a positive light and non-members as a stereotype and in a negative light. Fuels the confirmation bias.
- Intersex - Broad category of the genetic and biological gray area between "male" and "female."
- Intimacy - The emotional closeness we feel towards our partner in a romantic relationship, which is mutually-exclusive to passion. Intimacy and passion are inversely-related. This differs from the pop psychology belief that intimacy is a prerequisite to passion. In my opinion, that particular belief is the primary reason so many long-term relationships fail.
- Kink - Any sexual behavior that falls about one standard deviation from the norm.
- Madbod - Overweight male body type.
- Maintenance Sex - Passionless, mechanical sex women engage in for a utilitarian purpose. Often occurs after the honeymoon period expires.
- Man Camp (MC) - Abbreviation for San Diego Man Camp
- Masculine - Gender role primarily tasked with protecting and providing for the tribe; consisting of the virtues of strength (physical capabilities), courage (willingness to face danger), mastery (developing and mastering skills useful to the tribe), and honor (respect earned from the other men in the tribe.) Includes characteristics like independence, emotionally stable, aggressive, assertive, resilient, exhibit a strong in-group/ out-group bias, competitive, confident, physically-active, sexually aggressive, rebellious, free, logical, disciplined, situationally-aware, and protective.
- Masculine Female (MF) - A genetic and/or biological female exhibiting a primary masculine gender role.
- Masculine Male (MM) - A genetic and/or biological male exhibiting a primary masculine gender role.
- MRAs - Men's Rights Activists - A group of men that advocate for men's rights, especially in the legal and educational realms.
- NBZ - "No Bone Zone" - my sex and relationship book for curing sexual boredom in long-term relationships.
- "Nice Guys" - A type of emotionally-manipulative male. Explained in detail here.
- Nonconsensual Nonmonogamy - Having sex with a partner other than your primary partner without their knowledge or consent (aka "cheating")
- Open Relationship - General term used to describe a relationship with a consensual nonmonogamy element.
- Pair Bond - Sciency term for a couple.
- Passion - Uncontrollable desire to have sex with someone; marked by sexual arousal and associated thoughts and behaviors. Passion is mutually-exclusive of intimacy.
- Poly - Polyamory, or a particular type of social sexuality where people form multiple simultaneous emotionally-involved romantic relationships.
- Primary Gender Role - The gender role you exhibit most often.
- Pseudo-alpha - Caricature of what an alpha actually is, usually manifested by loud, brash, arrogant behaviors without leadership skills (aka "douche".)
- Provisioning - providing for; usually used in reference to males "provisioning" for their wife and kids.
- Rated Attractiveness - Measure of physical beauty, determined by having a panel give a numerical rating to an individual. The larger the group, the more reliable the rating.
- Rats - Nonviolent social moochers; part of my Gender Role Protection Theory.
- SDMC - San Diego Man Camp.
- Secondary Gender Role - Gender role we utilize on occasion, usually to amplify the effectiveness of our primary gender role. For example, a masculine male may use feminine characteristics to be more "gentlemanly."
- Serial Monogamy - Having sex only with the other person in a romantic relationship, then only switch sexual partners when we enter a new relationship. The predominant way most of us do relationships here in the United States.
- Sex (the demographic classification) - refers to the genetic or biological classification, can be "man", "woman" or "intersex."
- Sex-positive Feminism - Brand of third-wave feminism that supports the free expression of sexuality. A major inspiration for my book No Bone Zone.
- Sexual Attraction - A form of attraction we feel towards another individual measured by our level of sexual arousal.
- Sexual Market - Term used to describe the dynamics that influence how and why particular people pair up.
- Sexual Market Value - our individual "value" on the sexual market. Varies depending on the "buyer" and their preferences.
- Sexual Orientation - Refers to the sex and/or gender that sexually arouses us. Can be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual.
- Sexual Orientation Plasticity - Flexibility in our sexual orientation. Depending on the environment and other conditions, our sexual orientation may change (like dudes in prison.) Women are generally considered as having greater flexibility in sexual orientation.
- Sexual Selection - Darwinian tendency to develop or exhibit preferences that others find attractive and helps us find mates. Characteristics that arise as a result of sexual selection often do not aid (or may actually harm) survival (like a male peacock's elaborate feathers.) Muscular males or chesty females are two human examples.
- Sheep - Nonviolent masses; part of my Gender Role Protection Theory.
- Sheepdog - Protectors of their tribes, willing and eager to use violence in that role; part of my Gender Role Protection Theory.
- Shit Test - Tests humans give to each other to assess their physical, emotional, psychological, and social fitness. Examples would be males teasing each other or women asking "Does this dress make me look fat?"
- Social Justice Warrior - Beta male Sheep that advocates for the expanding of society.
- Social Proof - Tendency to observe and utilize the behavior of others as a guide for social behavior; also refers to the tendency to use other people to assess the sexual market value of a particular individual. For example, a woman may find a married man more attractive than if he were single because at least one other woman sees value in him.
- Social Sexuality - My preferred umbrella term for consensual nonmonogamy.
- Sociosexual Orientation - Refers for an individual's capacity to engage in casual no-strings attached sex.
- Swingers - Type of social sexuality where couples engage in casual sex without emotional connections with someone other than their primary partner.
- Till Death Monogamy - The way we used to do monogamy; we'd have one partner until one or both died.
- Tribe - The group you identify with and causes an in-group/ out-group bias. Most people belong to multiple tribes, but one usually takes precedent over the others.
- TRM - "The Rational Male" - A useful book by Rollo Tomassi.
- TRP - The Red Pill - an online community dedicated to understanding male and female behaviors, especially as they relate to each other.
- TWoM - "The Way of Men" - a book by Jack Donovan.
- White Knight - A beta male that provides unsolicited "protection" to women in the hopes she'll reciprocate with attention (usually in the form of sex.)
- Wolf - Violent criminals; part of my Gender Role Protection Theory.
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